Reviews of dog books, old and new, fiction and memoir and essay, with an emphasis on children's fiction.
The Good Luck Dog
Lilo Hess, author and photographer
1985, Charles Scribners' Sons
A shaggy small dog is stolen off his owner's porch and ends up sold to a laboratory. In the nick of time, he's saved from a horrible fate when an employee discovers he's been tattooed - and the lab has a policy against using tattooed animals, as it indicates they are probably pets. Sent to a shelter, he's adopted by a little boy who names him Skeeter and who is disappointed when he's unable to train the little terrier to act like a beagle. When he gets the chance to acquire a Beagle, the boy passes the pup on to a little deaf girl, who has him trained as a hearing aid dog. The initially think the little dog is a mutt, but learn that he's really a purebred Tibetan Terrier - and Heather enters him in AKC obedience trials.
A short book which is more photo-essay than novel, with brief and inelequent writing stuffed full of obvious propaganda. I don't disagree with most of the 'message' - chained dogs are unhappy, tattooing a dog provides protection against theft, etc. - but I find the flat, dull style and unapologetic pedantry unforgivable.
Kah-Loo/Skeeter - male Tibetan Terrier
About the Author
Born in
A Dog By Your Side
Life Begins For Puppies
A Pony To Love
Shetland Ponies
Diary Of A Rabbit
Making Friends With Guinea Pigs
A Cat's Nine Lives
Bird Companions
Christine, The Baby Chimp
The Amazing Earthworm
Animals That Hide, Imitate And Bluff
The Curious Raccoons
A Family Of Foxes
Fawn In The Woods
Foxes In The Woodshed
Listen To Your Kitten Purr
Mouse And Company
The Misunderstood Skunk
Odd Pets